At CAPA, we provide the opportunity for our students to take exams in Ballet, Modern and Tap with the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing.
Exam sessions are generally held once or twice a year.
Exams at CAPA are not compulsory.
We do encourage children to take their exams as we find the exam coaching is very beneficial to the student.
Training for their dance exams enables students to hone in on details, become stronger and more flexible, develop their concentration and most of all feel their own self confidence grow.
If your child doesn't want to take their exam, they won't get left behind and can move up to the next grade with their friends.
Primary Tap
​Please use these CAPA Youtube videos to help your child practice at home.
Grade 2 Tap
​Please use these CAPA Youtube videos to help your child practice at home.
Grade 5 Tap
​Please use these CAPA Youtube videos to help your child practice at home.